University Of Sargodha

(Mianwali Campus)

Administration Block Sub-Campus Mianwali Academic Block-I Sub-Campus Mianwali Transport Service Sub Campus Mianwali UOS Mianwali Campus Website is Under-Construction

07 September, 2018

How You Can Get Admissions in University Of Sargodha and Its Campuses ( Mianwali & Bhakkar Campus)


    1. University Of Sargodha Admissions (For Undergraduate & Graduate Programs) will start from 12th September 2018 and 30th September will be the Last Date Of Submission Of Forms.
    2. In this period you have to buy prospectus from Main Campus OR Sub-Campus OR HBL Main Branch of your City.


    • Online Application

    Applicants are strongly encouraged to use this option, which involves following stages:
    1. Access the online admission Application Form at university website: Guidelines for filling this Form are available on the above web-page.
    2. Print the complete Form(s) along with the application processing fee Voucher of Rs. 550 in PDF format generated/downloaded online.
    3. Deposit the above-mentioned application processing fee in any HBL branch in or outside Pakistan.
    4. Write down the name of HBL Branch and fee deposit date in relevant box of the printed Form.
    5. Sign and submit the complete Application Form to the relevant Department.
    Upon receiving the Application Form, the Admission Office will dispatch a hard copy of the Prospectus to each applicant on his/her mailing address.

    • Manual Application 

    This option is valid only in case the applicant does not have online access. Guidelines are as follows:
    1. Obtain the Prospectus from UOS's main campus in Sargodha or sub-campuses at Bhakkar and Mianwali, or select branches of the HBL by paying the application processing fee of Rs.550 (Prospectus can be collected from HBL Branches listed At Following Branches List Of Banks
    2. Manually complete the Application Form enclosed in the Prospectus and submit it to the relevant Department.
    3. In Mianwali and Bhakkar Campus, Only Manual method is accepted.


      1.  After Submission Of Forms  (12th September to 30th September) merit list will be displayed on Campus (Bhakkar & Mianwali) Notice Board and Main Campus on Website.
      2. There will be 3 Regular Merit Lists displayed.
      3. There will be 3 Self Support Merit Lists displayed.
      4. There will be Total 60 Candidates in Regular and 60 in Self Support Programs for each program.
      5. After displaying of Merit Lists, selected candidates have to submit their dues with in 3 days otherwise 2nd merit list will be displayed and their name will be skipped.
      6. Firstly Regular Merit Lists will be displayed and after this Self Support Merit Lists will be displayed.
      • Regular means their classes will be in the morning session.
      • Self Support means their classes will be in the evening session and their fee will be about 6000/- extra than regular students.


      • Commencement of Classes 15-10-2018


      It is a matter of pride and privilege for me to state that the Campus has successfully entered into its 5th year. Most of the infrastructure of the campus has been completed. A new academic block has been completed, which contains class rooms, laboratories, seminar rooms, library and faculty offices. A girls hostel, faculty hostel and a mosque would be completed soon. During the last four years, the Sub Campus Mianwali has made tremendous progress both in academic and co-curricular activities with the dedication and hard work of the faculty. Currently, more than 3500 students have been enrolled and the campus is offering 22 various programs at graduate and master's level. I am confident, in the coming years, we, as a team of highly dedicated personnel, will open up new vistas and avenues in the field of education and research. We strive every nerves and muscles to transform the Campus into the highest seat of learning. My prime focus would be on academic excellence, research and innovation. My team is committed to maintain its distinction in imparting quality education, learning, research and other academic activities. We plan to expand academic activity by launching more programs in new disciplines. The Campus hosts a unique community of students and staff dedicated to exhibit the best possible. Our aim is to provide conducive environment for pedagogy, research and public services. I warmly welcome you for your new journey of life. Here, at the Campus, we would try to add new colours to your life.
      Dr Muhammad Ashraf Shaheen
      Director, Sub Campus Mianwali

      You Can Check Here UOS Mianwali Campus Previous Merit Lists of Admissions 2014 to 2017

      If you have any confusion or query then comments below, We'll reply you very soon.

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