University Of Sargodha

(Mianwali Campus)

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16 February, 2018

Here are 10 reasons why Mianwali should be your next travel destination!

Usually when we think of Mianwali, names of famous singer Ata Ullah Khan Esa Khelvi and veteran politician Imran Khan Niazi flash in our minds but Mianwali is more than that. It’s a small city located in Southern Punjab Pakistan and just a 30 min drive away from border of KPK. It is situated in Saraiki belt of the country and has been the subject of some popular Saraiki songs like “Kameez teri kali and “Mianwali da chor”. The local music is simple yet sweet adorned with Saraiki poetry that adds a traditional touch to local weddings and functions.

Lush green fields trailed by mountains of Musa Khel make a landscape worth watching. Mianwali is a city having a beauty of its own.

Located in the outskirts of the city are beautiful villages and towns where the fields of wheat shine golden in dazzling sun.

The dense orchids and orange gardens look heavenly. 

A beautiful Thal canal runs mid-city and houses are located nearby.

There are a number of crystal blue lakes located in series that finally lead up to River Indus flowing nearby. The river is channeled into Chashma barrage where spillways pose a spectacular sight of charging water driving turbines. The sound of water is so loud, you can’t even hear your own voice.

This is exactly the place having Chahsma Nuclear Power Plant nearby which makes it a really sensitive spot to be. Therefore, no cameras are allowed and security is high. However this is not the only sensitive spot that Mianwali has. Mianwali is home to Pakistan Airforce MM Alam Base so you may get used to the sound of fighter jets flying past homes. Located out of city near Kala Bagh is Jinnah barrage built on River Indus that supports the hydroelectric power station producing 96MW electricity and and irrigating 1,900,000 acres of Pakistan’s land. These are some highly secured places at Mianwali.

The lakes are however open to public and are a great site for fishing and boating. The local fish is transported all across Pakistan. The fresh fish has a natural taste of sea salts and minerals that dissolve in your mouth as soon as you take a bite and you might not have eaten such a tasty fish before.

Many of the native bird species come to feed on these fish. If you go at sunset, you might be able to spot a magnificent flight of river birds taking off the river.

All these beautiful sceneries, the sounds of birds, the colors of nature take your mind off the hassles of city life. If you decide to take a time off and go on a holiday, it might not necessarily be a hill station. The plains of Punjab with hues of gold, green and grey are worth a vacation. After all, this is our beautiful Pakistan.

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